4 Cup Coffee Maker

Does making a half pot of coffee in your standard sized machine result in a bitter or burnt tasting brew? If so, a 4 cup coffee maker may be the solution. If you’re still unsure about adding another coffee maker to your line up, consider the following advantages:

Less waste: If you find that you’re continually dumping unfinished pots of coffee, switching to a 4 cup coffee maker will mean less waste. While you can’t “un brew” coffee, you can always make more if 4 cups isn’t enough.

More economical: While single cup machines are convenient and virtually mess free, purchasing pods or individual coffee packets can become costly. With 4 cup coffee makers, not only will the machine cost less, you’ll also be able to use your own ground coffee.

Portability: A 4 cup coffee maker slips easily into a carry on bag, so you can enjoy a cup wherever you like. With your new travel companion, you’ll never again have to buy pricey coffee shop brews on the road.

Smaller footprint: If you’re short on counter space, a 4 cup coffee maker offers sleek, compact dimensions. Their small size makes them perfect for desktops and campers, too.

Variety: Whether you’re looking for a programmable coffee machine or one in a specific color to match your decor, there’s sure to be a 4 cup coffee maker to suit your needs.

Before buying, it’s a great idea to read through reviews of 4 cup coffee makers to see what others are saying about their brewing experiences. Regardless of the machine you choose, you’re sure to enjoy your personalized coffee experience when you brew your favorite blend in a 4 cup machine.

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